currently addicted to little things by one direction. ya Allah, what is wrong with me ?!?!?
got two quizzes this week.
my ankle sakit balik due to heavy training last weekend. same goes to my body. sakit sana sini. terkejut kot.
Alhamdulillah for what happened last week. good things. good signs. might be. praise to Allah for what i have till today. couldnt ask more. but i want one more thing. little thing. ehh two things that could change my whole life. Ya Allah, Engkau permudahkan lah segala urusanku dan perkenankan lah segala permintaanku ini. Amin.
p/s; voucher buku tinggal rm100 je. nak beli apa lagi eyh ? toodles !
amin~ insya'Allah. pertolongan Allah tidak selalu nya cepat atau lambat. tapi pertolongan Allah seniasa tepat pada masanya. ^^
yeap. betul tu ! amin :)
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